out from Mt Gambier. Port Macdonnell is the Southern most point of South Australia. The coast
line is very rough and there has been an amazing number of ship wrecks along it in times past.
sand but the rest is very rocky - sort of like Tatapuri. With huge limestone cliffs and jaggered edges.
We stopped at Mt Schank on our way back to Mt Gambier and climbed up it to look in the crater -
very impressive - although it only had a very small pond of water in the bottom with heaps of greenery growing.
We then went to the stone tower in Mt Gambier which proved to be an extremely steep climb - but well worth it as
the views were fantastic. Carried on to the lookout over the Blue Lake in the crater of Mt Gambier this is
just breath takingly beautiful and the colour has only just started to change around the edges - we would
love to see it at Xmas when it is fully bright blue. Then had a look at a limestone sink hole that they have
done an amazing garden in - very big and deep down into the ground - gave me the willies walking down
the stairs to the bottom. We had been into town this morning and checked out the sink hole in there
which is also really well down with steps down into it and gardens.

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