On Tuesday we headed towards Sydney then turned off just before entering the City and headed for the Blue Mountains. We had received conflicting thoughts on taking the car and caravan over this range of mountains but hey! it was no sweat to the Falcon (Go the Fords). Some very pretty scenery and lots of apples grown in the area which resulted in heaps of home industries selling home made apple pies etc. Very quaint and country-fied!
We got into Lithgow at about 2.30pm and decided to spend the night here - every one of you Aussie's that have told us the further inland you go the colder it gets - is dead right - man it is freezing here. We had to put a little bit of Kiwi ingenity into place as the pop-top part of the caravan has some permanent vents set into the top of the vinyl with only flyscreen over them. We went down down and bought some of that stiff plastic used to cover chairs then some self sticking valcro and made up something to stop the cold air coming in as it was like a doorway for ice-icles. Seems to have worked alright although I don't know how long the valcro will stick to the vinyl. Lithgow is a far dinkum! mining town - which is cool!
We are now in Orange today which is only about an hour and a half down the road - and set up camp there for a week. We are going to Bathurst on Sunday (here's hoping the Fords win or Mike will be in mourning for week after) and catching up with friends from Fielding on another day so that will be great. Hoping to take them to see the Janolan Caves - which are suppose to be brilliant.
It is great being back to doing whatever takes our fancy on the given day! I honestly don't know how we are ever going to click back into the 8.00 - 5.00 scene when the time comes - but will enjoy it for as long as we can.

ReplyDeleteMy name is Mark Knowles, I’m a journalist for Caravan and Motorhome On Tour Magazine.
We’re constantly on the lookout for photos of people on the road with their rig to feature in the magazine.
I was looking at your wonderful blog and saw some of your great pictures and wanted to ask if you could email me some so we could put them in the magazine.
We’re only too happy to send you a copy of the magazine if we use one of your pictures, and of course, we can attribute the image to you.
It’s always fun to see yourself and your rig on the pages of the magazine and share your experiences with other RV enthusiasts.
Right now I’m working on an article about some popular touring routes around Australia, with a focus on where you can find some great free-camping spots.
I see you have travelled to some of the area’s I’m hoping to feature and would love to get some photos of you at any of the free-camping spots you have stayed at in these regions.
At the moment I’m hoping to find some pics in areas including northern and outback QLD, Tassie, south-west WA, the Murray River region, NSW south coast and the Eyre Peninsula in SA.
So if you’ve got any photos of your travels in any of these places, I’d love it if you could send them in.
Please tell us a bit about where you are and what you liked about the spot as well.
Like I said, we’re always after photo’s, so even if you don’t have any for these particular places, I was hoping to put you on my contact list and maybe contact you again in the future about upcoming stories.
We always prefer pics with people in them, whether it’s yourselves or some friends you made along the way, and we also love to see your rig, so please keep that in mind when you’re looking for pics to send.
Don’t hesitate to contact me for a chat or if you want any more info, I’m always happy to hear from RVers and have a chat about their travels and tips.
Fell free to pass on this letter to any of your RVing friends as well, I’d like to hear from as many people as possible.
Please send any photos in the highest quality file size you have, as they will look much better on the printed page, you might have to send them one at a time to get them through.
Thanks for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you and seeing some of your pictures soon.
Best Wishes,
Mark Knowles
Feature writer
Caravan & Motorhome On Tour
37 Carnarvon St
Silverwater NSW 2128
Ph: (02) 9741 3811
Reception: (02) 9741 3800
Website: www.caravanandmotorhome.com.au